Winter Skin Tricks
I don’t know where you are, but here in NYC, winter has come and punched us right in the face. Between the wind and cold making your face raw and red to the heat blasting and drying your skin out, it seems you can’t ever win with your skin in the winter. BUT, there are ways to help. Here are some winter skin tricks:
Here are five winter skin tips to get your winter skin feeling human again.
1. Exfoliate the dead skin away! Get that yicky, flaky mess out of the way to make room for the healthy, beautiful skin underneath. Dead skin keeps moisture from getting where it needs to go.
2. Hydrate when wet. Most know that hydrating your skin is incredibly important, but what a lot of people don’t know is the importance of locking in the moisture and that can happen by moisturizing damp skin. Here’s the catch! You only have three minutes to do so before the moisture will start to disappear.
3. Sunscreen! Sunscreen! Sunscreen! I know, we don’t think about sunscreen in the winter months, but the sun is still incredibly strong and with snow glare, it just gets more impactful.
4. Care for your lips. Kissing makes you warmer and God knows you need to warm up this winter. So, make sure you’re taking care of those motherpuckers! Use a lip scrub twice a week and be sure to hydrate them often. Personally, I love how natural, beautifully hydrated lips look. I am a huge fan of Rosebud Salve and Aquafor. They give a really beautiful finish and, also, feel amazing.
5. Humidify your life. Get a good humidifier and keep it clean! If you live in an apartment that pumps out heat against your will, you need to add some moisture to that dry, thick air.